Wired Stuff
WiFi Tablet Corner
My80211 White Papers (Coming Soon!)

Cisco Wireless Compatibility Matrix (Nov. 2011)

Podcasts / Videos

My80211 Videos

Cisco: 802 11 frames with Cisco VIP George Stefanick

Fluke Networks: Minimize Wi Fi Network Downtime

Aruba: Packets never lie: An in-depth overview of 802.11 frames

ATM15 Ten Talk “Wifi drivers and devices”

Houston Methodist Innovates with Wireless Technology

Bruce Frederick Antennas (1/2)


Bruce Frederick dB,dBi,dBd (2/2)

Cisco AP Group Nugget

Social Links
Revolution WiFi Capacity Planner

Anchor / Office Extends Ports


Peek Inside Cisco's Gear

See inside Cisco's latest wireless gear!

2.4 GHz Channel Overlap




  • CWSP Certified Wireless Security Professional Official Study Guide: Exam PW0-204
    CWSP Certified Wireless Security Professional Official Study Guide: Exam PW0-204
    by David D. Coleman, David A. Westcott, Bryan E. Harkins, Shawn M. Jackman

    Shawn Jackman (Jack) CWNE#54 is a personal friend and has been a mentor to me for many years.  I've had the pleasure and opportunity to work with Jack for 4 years. Jack is a great teacher who takes complex 802.11 standards and breaks them down so almost anyone can understand the concept at hand. I'm excited for you brother. Great job and job well done! Put another notch in the belt!

IEEE 802.11a/g/n Reference Sheet


LWAPP QoS Packet Tagging



Interference Types


Microwave Oven

Cordless Phone


« Wireless NIC problem or just poor quality? | Main | What you NEED to know about TX Power and 802.11a (5GHz) on a Cisco LWAPP AP »
Nov072009 File Sharing at its best (IPhone app included!)

Recently I was introduced to Dropbox file sharing. I am that shiny object kind of guy and dropped what I was doing to investigate Dropbox (Thanks Brandon, lol). First, I found the ease of uploading and file management so much better than other file share apps. I was also impressed with how easy it is to share public files and how to manage those files or folders. The kicker and deal closer for me, yup the IPhone app just drove this out of the park. You can d/l the Dropbox app and you have full access to ALL your files and better yet, from the Dropbox IPhone app you can share and invite others to share your folders. So if you’re a busy engineer or just a file freak  in general this app is for you. I see myself migrating to this more then my FTP.

Dropbox give you 2 gig free. You can purchase 50 gig @ $10 a month and 100 gig @ $20 a month. Well worth the investment!

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