“CWNA or BUST!”-- Giveaway! & Worldwide RSS Feed of your blog
Monday, March 22, 2010 at 7:41AM



I will be giving away (3) CWNP Study Guide Kits to 3 lucky and “committed” engineers  with a $100 exam reimbursement!

The giveaway will included: 

But this isn’t your normal giveaway!  It’s a giveaway with a twist! That’s right, what fun is there in just giving away free stuff!  There are strings attached to this puppy!! The lucky candidates will not be picked out of a hat or some random way. They will be selected!  (more on that in a bit)


The 3 CWNP Study Guides are sponsored by CWNP (THANKS GUYS!).  We need to make sure these fall into the right hands, as I’m sure you would agree! In addition I will pony up the $100 kick back if you pass your exam (details below)!

With that being said, I am looking for (3) folks that are committed and I MEAN COMMITTED with ALL CAPS!. No “want to be” CWNAs, CWSPs, no CHEATERS (testking, pass4sure folks need apply!), no folks who lose interest after Chapter 2 either! I want 3 very hungry and passionate engineers who don’t understand the word quit and look at failure as a means of hitting the books harder to understand the concepts at hand!

The CWNP exams sets the stage for the fundamentals which will be used for a lifetime. I personally sat both the CWNA and the Cisco CCIE Wireless Written.  I found the CWNA to be more difficult then the IE written! That’s not a type O…  I’ve heard this statement from other peers who have sat both as well! It isn’t an easy test!

The professionals at CWNP -  Marcus, Kevin, Keith, Devin, GT, Compughter, myself and other contributors  are always on hand to answer your questions.  We believe in your success!


The question has been asked, why the giveaway. It’s simple. For those who know me personally and professionally, I enjoy sharing knowledge and collaboration at all levels of wireless. I have a passion for 802.11.  Over the years I’ve been blessed to work with some of the best RF engineers you will find in today’s enterprise.  I was recently blessed with an opportunity which has been a life long goal , an achievement of sorts. I know karma is a <S.O.B> too (LOL)!  I want to give back and keep the karma ball rolling! And what better way!


As I mentioned earlier, there are stings attached to this giveaway. Here is the how to apply and requirements. If you can’t meet these requirements for ANY reason please, I ask that you not apply. Only so that one of your peers may take advantage of this opportunity! If this is a success and we  grow a few  CWNA or CWSPs out of this giveaway we may just do this again!

Strings Attached:

In an effort to help others in their CWNP studies you will be given a personal blog that be hosted at and be linked to ‘s worldwide RSS feeds, which includes FACEBOOK, LINKEDIN, CWNP.COM,TWITTER among others (thousands worldwide)…  When I said thousands worldwide, I mean thousands worldwide! You will be the envy of your peers, co-works and friends, I’m sure! No pressure right!

Your personal blog will be a requirement. We want to hear about your daily, weekly studies. Your ramblings (of course respect the RSS feed and no spamming ) . Any labs, packet captures, your study habits, gear that you are working on etc … You get the idea? We want to follow you in your journey to become a CWNP professional!

(Disclaimer: Any jokesters or unprofessional conducted or spamming over the RRS feed gets you kicked ASAP, no questions asked as these feeds are LIVE and broadcasted)

I would ask that your study efforts be such that you prepare yourself to sit the exam in 6 months from the time you get your kit. The cost of the exam is on you. But IF you pass in the 6 month window (and you didn’t cheat – testking, pass4sure etc .. I will have Kevin and Marcus check ), and you contribute to your blog as required I will reimburse you $100 of your exam when you pass! Doesn’t matter if you take it 5 times, if by the end of the 6 months you pass you will have earned your $100 kick back. If you don’t contribute to the blog, drop off the face of the earth and then pop up with a pass you will be hard pressed to get my $100! Capish!?

Oh and btw, this isn’t just for CWNA applicants. If you passed your CWNA and you plan to study for the CWSP this applies to you too! How could I forget you guys! Your blog will be of course, CWSP or Bust!  


How to APPLY:

Candidates will be selected and not picked at random. If you are interested , you should submit the following information to  (note there are three sss’s).

Tell me a little bit about yourself for example:

How will the CWNA /CWSP cert change your position, job, or career perhaps?
What will a CWNA or CWSP mean to you!?
Certifications you currently have and or pursing
Study material you used or using to pass or study those certifications
Why should you be the lucky candidates over the next guy
Tell me about your study plan and how you will get your cert in 6 months
And anything else you feel …

All applications will be reviewed by me and other CWNP professionals in private. A winner will be selected by 4/15/10.


Candidates should read the following:

Cheaters Never Prosper:

What is the BEST way to prepare for CWNP exams?


I want to thank Kevin Sandlin @ CWNP for CWNP's contribution and sponsoring the 3 study guides and the RSS feed link! Thank you guys for all your efforts !


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